Our very first time meeting Abraham

Friday, June 17, 2011

And even more waiting....

It's been 2 months now since we accepted our referral for our son.  On June 10th we FINALLY received the picture of our boy opening up his gift package from us. We also found out that our case has been submitted to court as of May 31st.  So we are in the system there and now we just wait for the official court date for Jeff and I to appear in court and legally adopt our son.

He now officially knows about us, has seen our faces and knows he's being adopted and coming to live in a place called Maine.

Can you imagine what is going through his mind as he lays down at night to sleep?  "Will I like my new family? Are they nice? Will they like me?"

Someone did share with me that they knew of an adopted child who told them that they used to lay awake at night pondering those very questions, and they were 6 yrs old at the time. 

Big changes for this little guy.  We know we are gonna love him to pieces and that our family is one crazy, fun and laughter filled home, but he doesn't know that right now.  All he knows from the pictures is that he is gaining 7 siblings, a dog named Patience, 3 cats and his new house is brown and there are lots of trees.  Snow..what's that?

We have been blessed by so many families that are going down for the court dates, they have been gracious to snap pictures of our handsome son. And oh is he handsome!  His smile is contagious! And each family that has met with him has said the same thing..."yu have the most wonderful son, he is a super sweetie! He's so cute! He's not shy, quiet, but not shy, he will hold hands and he participates in everything....."

And the best info we received from 1 lady was that "Abraham is the top in his class, he is so smart and always is ready to give the answers in class."  I pray that someday that flows into always being ready to give an answer to the hope that lies within you..the hope of the Gospel of Christ..oh may our son be a godly man!

So maybe the A Beka Kindergarten curriculum will be way too easy for him?  Oh well, it will be great to start with that so he can learn English anyway..we'll breeze through the easy stuff.

These families have also been so kind to deliver letters to Abraham. Kiara and Kayla have been busy drawing pictures for him and I have printed out other pictures of our house, pictures of his picture on our fridge so he can see how excited we are to have him.  So far he has received 2 letters from us, a 3rd letter just went out yesterday in the mail to a dear Christian family who will be leaving soon for Ethiopia to pick up their 11 yr old son. She said she would try really hard to not only take pictures of Abraham, but also video! I told her we haven't heard his voice yet and she said she will get him talking for us..I am going to bawl!!

I can't wait till it's our turn to bless these families and take their letters to their children for them and take pictures of their children for them.  We are waiting on pins and needles everyday, hoping that "You Got Mail" noise is from AAI saying, we have your court date..buy your plane tickets...

I love you son..my dear sweet Abraham. Mommy is praying to hold you soon.  Until the next update.....

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