Our very first time meeting Abraham

Monday, May 30, 2011

Teach Me Lord to Wait.....

Many have asked how's it all going, has Abraham received his packet yet, does he know about us yet? Do you have a court date yet...

Well.....I don't know is something I have been saying alot lately.

This waiting time is truly the hardest...more so than all the paperwork and homestudies...knowing that we have this sweet 6 yr old son in Ethiopia that will be in our home and yet we can't even say hello to him right now, this is so hard.

Most people say that this is the time that you read up on all you can about Ethiopia, older child adoption etc..

So here's something I have found out, not sure how much of it is true but it caught my attention because we live in Maine, and in Maine you hibernate for almost 4 months in a year...what I mean by hibernate is that we don't step foot outside (at least I don't) and you stay inside cuddled by a heater...or as I call it...My Precious....:)

Anyway, I read an article that spoke about Ethiopian children and vitamin D. These children, while in Ethiopia, spend a lot of time outside..playing etc.  And they absorb a lot of natural sunlight. It gives them great health usually, lots of good natural vitamin D.

However there were some folks who, like us, live in cold climates where we don't venture out as much, and they found that their adopted Ethiopian children were getting sickly, almost had autistic type symptoms which they linked to lack of Vit D..interesting....

So Abraham, mommy will be stalking up on Vit D for you when you come home!

A few weeks ago for my birthday we went to the MassHope Convention in MA.  I was so excited as I purchased the entire A Beka Kindergaten curriculum, same one I used for Kayla and Kiara, for Abraham. I know some of it will be easy for him, but I can't think of a better curriculum to start him out with his English.  I stare at it everyday, anticipating the day we tear it apart and open the books to Day 1 and hearing him say A is for Apple, A says A..A...A.....

Waiting is hard but I am trusting in the Lord's timing and praying that Abraham is safe and healthy and I hope I get news soon that he knows about us.  If he does know, then I hope that sweet smile of his is even bigger now.

I love you my son...keep smiling knowing we are coming soon.

1 comment:

  1. That's beautiful Donna. I'll keep your family in prayer; trusting that your son Abraham will soon be in your arms, and not just your hearts.

    As for vitamin D, we need 30 mins a day out in direct sunlight. No sleeves, no sun-glasses, no sun-block, and no shower for a few hours afterwards. Hard in winter though so stock up on those bottled vitamin D tablets. Blessings to you and yours.
