Our very first time meeting Abraham

Monday, September 19, 2011

Still waiting.....

The excitement of passing court has passed and now the agony of waiting to be submitted to embassy continues.  Recently I inquired about our case and our agency informed us that us and 8 other families files are still awaiting 3 documents needed from MOWA to complete our file so we can be submitted to the US Embassy. MOWA has been in meetings and also it is the Ethiopian New Years celebration time so I am sure they have taken some time off to celebrate.

So what does one do while waiting?  Give you a hint....

A dear friend of ours decided that we needed a 'baby shower' for Abraham as we haven't had a little boy for quite some time..Jonathan is 18 now so I guess we don't have those cool things every 7 yr old boy needs to survive...like Legos, cool boy jammies, remote cars, matchbox cars...etc etc....
What a nice way to celebrate our new son coming here.  Some have asked why do it before he comes and the answer is simple..it will be awhile before we really have him in big groups. Everything we have read says to slowly ease them into big crowds as they can get too overwhelmed.  It would be nice for him to come home to having these things already and he will know that many people who have prayed for him for months have graciously given him such wonderful new things for his new life here.

I am excited for the fun day to be able to open gifts for our son and see the love being poured out for him by my dear friends.  Afterall, I have been "EXPECTING' for a very long time, already 5 months into this "pregnancy" and this will be so much fun for our family.  

Recently another family from our agency left to go bring their little daughter home and she graciously snapped this adorable picture of our son in his little traditional Ethiopian outfit.

I miss you my dear boy..everyday I long for your presence...we are coming soon. Hang in there.

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